Wrath of the Titans 2012 kostenlose filme

Wrath of the Titans 2012 online filmek

Wrath of the Titans

Wrath of the Titans


Wrath of the Titans 2012


155 Besprechungsprotokoll




FLA 1440p


Fantasy, Adventure, Action




Dajana, Ozon M. Burke, Thaiba J. Sirtis

Wrath of the Titans 2012 filme online kostenlos

Wrath of the Titans"

Wrath of the Titans filme online kostenlos

This could have a pass based on the 3D but, in all honesty, the script and the story is totally senseless and unconnected. The travel through the Underworld maze to the Tartarus is just the best example of how bad the story is. In addition, they just mix the Greek mythology in the most absurd ways, putting a minotaur where it doesn't belong.

Make up is quite bad. Specially with the beards and appearance of the gods.

Andromeda, who is also misplaced and doesn't really have any relevant role, is the spark to remark, played by Rosemund Pike.
The visual effects where very good. Unfortunately, that was about it. The script was just awful. I do not want to watch a movie about Greek mythology just to see the gods being portrayed as week, loosing their power and ultimately disappearing.

I don’t know why so many writers today cannot do anything better than to take a well known setting and then totally destroy it for thrills. It seems like they all have some “Lets-destroy-the-Enterprise” complex.

To me the awful script ruined this movie. It became depressing despite the good visual effects.

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